Running near cars: Important safety tips

On Behalf of | Sep 26, 2024 | Personal Injury |

Running can be very good for your health, helping you stay in shape and lose weight. But it is not without its dangers, especially for those who have no choice but to run on sidewalks or city streets. While doing this, they certainly may have to run around cars, large trucks and other motor vehicles. Pedestrian accidents are common, and one of the main health risks runners face.

Fortunately, there are steps that runners can take to avoid these accidents. They need to keep safety in mind every time they go for a jog.

7 key tips 

If you’re a runner and you’re worried about the drivers around you, keep these seven tips in mind: 

  1. If you have to run on the shoulder of the road, you should always face traffic. 
  2. If you can, avoid running on the shoulder and choose the sidewalk instead
  3. When passing in front of a vehicle, even in a crosswalk, try to make eye contact with the driver. 
  4. Wear bright clothing to ensure that you are visible to the cars around you. 
  5. If you’re running in low light conditions, wear an LED vest, a headlamp or at least reflective clothing. 
  6. Avoid distractions, such as listening to music while you run. 
  7. Whenever you’re near vehicles, especially if you have to cross the road in front of them, imagine that the drivers cannot see you. Take extra caution, because many of them won’t – even if they should.

These tips can help you stay safe and avoid some common hazards. Increasing visibility makes it less likely that a negligent driver won’t see you, for instance. But, as a runner, you always face some risks when you’re around traffic. It just takes one small mistake to cause serious injuries. If you’ve been hurt, be sure you know how to seek financial compensation.