Couples going through a divorce in Alabama will have to sort through and split up all the assets that they accumulated through the course of their marriage. But before setting specific expectations of what you hope to receive, it can be useful to understand state...
Don’t let parental drug use harm your child
Substance abuse continues to plague families across Alabama. While drug use can have serious implications for individuals, it can also cause a ripple effect that harms other people. The most vulnerable amongst them are children. Exposure to parental substance abuse...
The increase in gray divorce rates
If you’re 50 years old or older, you may think of yourself as being “beyond” the demographic that typically gets divorced. We often assume that couples in their 30s or 40s, with kids still at home, are the ones splitting up. By 50 or 55, you feel like your marriage is...
Divorce may be on the horizon with these red flags
For some, a spouse who asks for a divorce is no surprise at all. They’ve seen it coming for months. For others, it’s a complete shock, and they are not prepared in the least. With any legal case, including divorce, it helps to prepare in advance. That’s why it’s...
Using a Qualified Domestic Relations Order (QDRO) during your divorce
You’re getting divorced and you think it may actually be fairly simple. You do not have children. You know how much money is in the bank. You own your home, and both of you are willing to just sell it and split the money. All you need to do is divide your assets and...
You may want a pre- or postnuptial agreement to protect yourself
If you’re planning on getting married, then one thing you may want to look into is a prenuptial agreement. This agreement has many benefits, with the most important being that it can help prevent unfair losses if you later go through a divorce. If you’re already...
Red flags for an upcoming divorce
Have you been thinking about divorce or considering how likely it is to impact your marriage? Maybe you understand the tremendous value of planning ahead for such a big life change, and you also know just how many marriages end in divorce. How can you tell if you’re...
What benefits does a legal separation offer?
When a marriage starts to break down, couples can either choose to work on their relationship or end it by filing for divorce. Choosing divorce could lead to a long and costly legal battle. Fortunately, filing for legal separation is another option. Selecting this...
Can a temporary order help you financially during a divorce?
When a couple decides to file for a divorce, it can be a costly process in more ways than one. The divorce proceedings could take months or even longer, which will put a strain on your finances as well. Many issues related to divorce cannot wait for the entire length...
Jeff and Mackenzie Bezos settle their divorce
Marriage is an adjustment. After couples say their vows to one another, many spouses in Alabama must learn how to cohabitate with one another. In the first few years, some may decide that they are not compatible. Others may have several years -- even decades --...